Policy Committee Meeting
2:00 - 3:00 PM
2:00 - 3:00 PM
To support students and parents, Idaho State Department of Education staff will provide a webinar to share information about the Advanced Opportunities program! The webinar is on January 17 at 6:30 pm MT. Register here: https://idahosde.zoom.us/.../WN_JIQVDbdcQ92KrmOlTPXXCw The Advanced Opportunities program provides every student attending an Idaho public school an allocation of $4,125 to use towards … Continued
To support students and parents, Idaho State Department of Education staff are providing a webinar to share information about the Advanced Opportunities program! Register here: https://idahosde.zoom.us/.../WN_JIQVDbdcQ92KrmOlTPXXCw The Advanced Opportunities program provides every student attending an Idaho public school an allocation of $4,125 to use towards Advanced Opportunities in grades 7-12. The funds can be used for … Continued
Compassionate Care Company is hiring for in-home care givers in multiple locations throughout the state including Winchester, Kamiah, Orofino and more. Meet with a staff member for an interview and leave with a tentative job offer. Job seekers are encouraged to bring their resume. For more information contact Monica.Jones@labor.idaho.gov, (208) 799-5000 ext. 3846.
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
3:00 - 4:30 PM This is a joint meeting of the Grant Review and Policy Committees.
Employers include Atlas Staffing, Serengeti Care, One Shot Charlie’s, The Roosevelt Inn, Primerica, Fiber Reclaim, CDA Public School District and more. Job seekers are encouraged to bring their resume. For more information contact Keeler.Crawford@labor.idaho.gov, 208-457-8789 ext. 3940.
The Idaho Department of Labor is co-partnering with Western Idaho Community Action Partnership for a job fair. WICAP is looking for Head Start lead teachers, Head Start child family educators and Head Start teacher assistants. Job seekers are encouraged to bring their resume. For more information contact Monico.Sanchez@labor.idaho.gov, (208) 364-7781 ext. 3379.
Regular meeting of the Workforce Development Council Outreach Committee. 1:30 - 3:00 PM
Regular twice monthly meeting of the Child Care Expansion Grant Committee. 9:00 - 11:00 AM
Regular quarterly meeting of the Work-Based Learning Committee. 1:00 - 2:00 PM MT
Regular Monthly Meeting of the Executive Committee 2:00 - 3:30 Amended Agenda posted 2/9/23. Under Open Meetings Law, we are permitted to amend the agenda inside of 24 hours by posting the new agenda and then passing a motion at the beginning of the meeting that "amends the original agenda and states the good faith … Continued
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